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Alien: Covenant

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Guest scumbag
Just now, Sime said:

@scumbag my takes on the genocide scene, I don't think they were engineers on that planet, they seemed more human. I think that the welcoming party for the ship David was driving was a welcoming party for the return of the engineers, as they had done on earth multiple times over the course of human history on earth. They all gathered for the return of their "Gods" only for David to rock up and kill the whole planet. 

Interesting thought. I'll have to listen to some of RS's interviews to see what he says about that. That does make sense. Still doesn't explain what the hell they went to that planet for (not that you have to provide an answer, only RS can answer that one). Also, again, why the wholesale slaughter then spores waiting to start some new life cycle. RS said in an interview that the discovery of the distress signal by the colonists was random and David didn't plan it. What the? Seriously.

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Guest scumbag
Just now, Sime said:


Agree, this whole David plot of absurd and frankly, non interesting. 

problem is, it really is the core of whole movie!

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Guest Sime

For years, we wondered about that engineer in the derelict spaceship, and it's turning into the David show. 

Sorry, but this is a massive fail. This is more of a fail than the stupid Star Wars schitt. 


The only thing thatll save the 3rd film is if he can brilliantly link davids zenomorph to that engineers crashed spaceship. 

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Guest Sime

And that scene where the baby zenomorph acknowledged David as his creator the very second he was born, give me a break, they aren't that intelligent. 

The scene in alien3 or 4? where the alien smells Ripley up close and realizes she's carrying a zenomorph is how you do a scene like that. 

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Guest scumbag

Actually here's an excerpt from an 1982 movie review for Bladerunner:

"But ''Blade Runner'' is a film that special effects could have easily run away with, and run away with it they have."

"And it's also a mess, at least as far as its narrative is concerned. Almost nothing is explained coherently, and the plot has great lapses, from the changeable nature of one key character to the frequent disappearances of another. The story lurches along awkwardly, helped not at all by some ponderous stabs at developing Deckard's character. As an old-fashioned detective cruising his way through the space age, Deckard is both tedious and outre."

"The end of the film is both gruesome and sentimental. Mr. Scott can't have it both ways, any more than he can expect overdecoration to carry a film that has neither strong characters nor a strong story. That hasn't stopped him from trying, even if it perhaps should have."


Sounds familiar right?

And yet some 30 years later, the movie is hailed as a turning point in science fiction. Will history repeat itself?

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Guest Sime

And it would have been nice to know what David had said to that engineer before he ripped his head off. 


Yes, Bladerunner, one of the worst in history. 

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After the disappointment of Alien Covenant, we went back to Prometheus. I bought the ultimate set with 3D, 2D and digital copy but never got around to opening it - such was the disappointment. 

A second viewing though made a lot more sense. And the initial pacing and build up was much better than I remembered. Which IMHO made the second half all the more disappointing. Still so many bone headed decisions!! even if they were slightly less bone headed than Covenant. 

That said, it is interesting how rewatching Prometheus AFTER Alien Covenant made me see a lot more nuances that had hinted at what David would become. I have to say Shaw's boyfriend was a real DICK. He was incredibly condescending and it was also understandable why David developed into the android we saw in Covenant. 

But the biggest disappointment - was 
a. setting up this idea of engineers - the conclusion in Prometheus was just disappointing
b. setting up the idea that Shaw wanted to go to the Engineer's homeland to ask them WHY

and building up the idea the sequel would answer the question was why we kinda reserved judgement on Prometheus. 

Then the sequel arrived - and KABOOM - whole planet destroyed, Shaw MIA. I mean that was like the biggest F.U. Scott could have delivered.

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  • 1 month later...

I finally got to watch this.  So, so disappointed.  Admittedly I did not have high expectations but...SPOILER ALERT



1. We've got an interstellar colony ship but no drones?  
2. Find a new planet and do not complete a couple orbits to map it first?

3. When selecting a landing site, fail to notice the huge alien city and ship? But fortunately land conveniently close to it?!

4. No environment protocols?  Got an airlock, space suits but hey - let's go on a picnic on a foreign planet.

5. Got a synthetic but send live crew down first.

6. While we are taking a leak, have a smoko, light up a ciggy and then toss it thoughtfully on this virgin planet we have just found...


After the dramatic airborne infection of the crew on the surface, perhaps the crew self-quarantine once they return to the ship?


The ending was so predictable.  Mother could not differentiate between Walter and David - really?!  Even my circa 2010 router can separate a gaggle of identical mobile phones...


So many of these dumbed-down plots.  It was difficult watching Prometheus - this was painful.  


Edited by MultiplexMan
Spoiler alert
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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, just came across this thread, havent seem Prometheus, saw covenant a couple of weeks ago. Very disappointing!!. I really dont understand how the script can be so poor. Is this what Alien fans would want?? Surely they tested it? just totally devo about how crap it was considering its Ridley Scott. Considering the comments here not too keen to try prometheus.


I fear I have become the one of the grumpy old men in the muppets who think everything is crap.  

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  • 4 weeks later...

After watching "Alien" movies 4 and 5 and 6 I have come to the conclusion that 3 wasn't all that bad.


I've been a fan of the Aliens universe since the second movie scared me significantly back when I was a teenager.  Since then I've bought the comics, the novels, the graphic novels and the "technical manuals".  You could consider me a serious fan but I probably cross the fine line into rabid fan territory just a little too often for the 'serious' bit to stick.  I have my favourite authors within the Aliens novels and my not so favourite ones.


WARNING:  Spoiler in the following paragraph!  Select to read if you are happy to do so.

So with that all said, the notion that somehow David created the Aliens has me feeling like Ridley has reached into my chest, grabbed my love of the entire genre, twisted, and then forcibly removed all but a skerrick of my enthusiasm for the entire franchise.

End of Spoiler warning.


The Aliens vs Predator movies were bad enough but this is 100 times worse. 


I feel like I should be wearing a black armband.  RIP 3 decades of fandom, I shall remember you fondly.

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