NAD Electronics is a brand name of an electronics firm whose products include home hi-fi amplifiers and related components. NAD was an abbreviation for New Acoustic Dimension.
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recision-timed audio: that’s what the M33’s state-of-the-art amplification technology is all about. The M33 employs Eigentakt™, or self-clocking, amplification technology to achieve a measured result of ultra-low distortion and noise levels. It nears the limits of even the most sensitive and sophisticated test equipment available. The audible result has to be heard to believe. The M33 is completely relaxed and natural sounding, with astounding detail and transparency. There is simply a smooth flow of music with amazing spatial delineation and natural ambiance recovery. Like a well-made watch, timing is everything for the M33. NAD has masterfully combined high-quality components to effortlessly deliver a soundstage like no other. Tied in with many decades of amplifier innovation, the M33 is without equal for accurate and involving sound quality.