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G'day all, over the last few weeks I've had a stack of my phono stages sitting on the floor behind me and rotating them into use now and then all with my Ortofon OM10 phono cartridge.  The phono stages were my Schiit Mani 2, DIY hifisonix simple stage, Rothwell Simplex, and most recently, my DIY Elliott Sound Products P06, and it was the last one to be rotated into use. 


All of these phono stages are first rate, although I did notice some interesting new things during this comparison.  I always really liked the 'organic/musical' sound of the Rothwell Simplex although interestingly enough, long term listening with the Simplex revealed a slightly 'compressed' sonic quality!  The Mani 2 is really good, and much better than the original Mani and very satisfying to listen to in the long term. 


The hifisonix simple phono stage is likewise very pleasant to listen to with a very clean sound with excellent dynamics!  The DIY ESP P06 was the last phono stage to be evaluated and listened to, and to be perfectly honest I had forgotten how good it is. Absolutely amazing soundstage and transient performance, and impressive dynamics!  In addition, its extended lower bass response contributes to a satisfyingly 'meaty' sound without sounding excessive, unlike say the Project Phono Box E which can sound a bit like the bass control is turned right up, and how the ESP P06 avoids this, is nothing short of a miracle!  The Mani 2 was a really pleasant surprise, especially for the price.  It is a 'great' commercially made phono stage, and essentially unbeatable for the asking price.  All very interesting!  Regards, Felix.  

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Hi Felix, try to listen to a Dynavector DV75 mk4 if you can borrow one.

Best I have heard so far.

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