GC Hifi Posted January 15 Posted January 15 (edited) I don't mind admitting I have never been a big fan of sub-woofers, unless it's with small active speakers like LS50's etc where the SQ improvement they add is more than obvious. So why not? mainly because while I had heard a number of high end system with various subs I had not been that impressed or had the experience of hearing them set up well and then comparing the systems with them switched on or off to hear any differences. That was until recently when I heard a pair of JL F113's at Audio Connection in Sydney with a pair of Estelon flagship Extreme model speakers and the JL's even with over $300K speakers seriously blew me away at what they added in SQ improvement across the whole spectrum from the deepest bass to the absolute top end and everything in between. So after this embarrassingly belated eureka moment I decided that I needed to go down the Subwoofer path myself, fast forward a month or so and finally today a pair of JL F110's arrived which will be going into my main room for now. I also have a pair of F113's on order which I'm really looking forward to hearing in action as well. Going back a step, after hearing the JL's at Audio Connection late last year I spoke with and arranged with Nigel to host a JL night here at GC HiFi in early March which he will be attending, so if you are local up here in Queensland or northern NSW and are interested in hearing how good a really decent pair of Sub's can seriously improve a systems sound quality then contact me to so I can add your name to the list. I'll put up more pictures once they are installed and set up. Anyway here are the F110's that arrived today, still in their boxes but not for long. cheers, Terry Edited January 15 by GC Hifi 8
GC Hifi Posted January 17 Author Posted January 17 (edited) Well the JL Fathom F110's are unboxed and up and running, thank you to Marco my local Audio Connection rep who drove down to see me and run through the install and set up procedure using the JL's own room correction that the Fathom level model subs come with. Am I impressed? Yes I really am, given these are brand new, not run in and I was limited to where we could have them given that was the longest RCA's I had on hand the sound quality improvement is really good, they have filled in gaps in sound delivery I didn't even know I had, the thing that blows me away is how now the decay and separation is so much better, not to mention the bass improvement, I'm a convert. Anyway don't take my word for it, if you are a local up here or coming up for a holiday please call me and come and have a listen for yourself, but be prepared to be blown away. cheers, Terry This is where they are for now, once I get longer cables I will try them in other positions around the room to see (hear) where they sound best. Simple as putting the Mic in your sitting position then letting it run through its room measurement, takes about three minutes per Sub. and where they are now they are just about invisible, especially once the cover is on. Edited January 17 by GC Hifi 3 1
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