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Hi there.

Have just watched the surreal French movie by director Leos carax - Holy Motors - at cinema Nova in Carlton.

What a perculiar and somewhat frustrating movie this is. You can throw away all your preconcieved notions about what makes for good plot or narrative.

I spent the entire movie straining to comprehend what it was all about and from the reception of reviewers it seems they share the same sentiment.

The friend that i went with read a review of the movie before hand and was somehow better primed for interprreting film.

Essentially the substance of the film consists of a character ,who is chauffered around in a stretch limousing and undertakes a series of missions which involve him transforming his appearance by radical make up and participating in weird public fantasies and role play. He appears to be working on some kind of mission.

He dies and comes back to life, he fulfills peoples fantasies ,and acts out popular film cliches.

I wont give anything more away but i will say that it is one of the more unique movies that i have ever seen and can strongly reccomend it for the mind bending odyssey that it takes you on.

I give it a rating somewhere between 1 and 5 stars out of 5.

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I saw this too, yes it was a strange, absorbing film, I didn't think too hard about the plot just enjoyed the experience, loved it..

It's like watching either a long film clip (music film clip) or an actors range test tape in a way..

great range of make-up and costume changes.. not at all a Kylie fan and even she didn't annoy me too much :-D

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