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Courage And Leadership

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I can't find the link but it was reported today that the Australian peak Muslim body has basically gagged the guys that have embarrassed Australian Muslims in recent times with outlandish pronouncements.

These folks are showing leadership and citizenship and good on them.

Some folks might bang on about "freedom of speech" - but these guys being gagged have absolutely no respect for that concept whatever - just ask them!

Any one that advocates restraint and acceptance of general community values gets my support.

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And it's not a gag on preaching... it's a gag on talking to the media.

Not so sure that that's my idea of totally calming the situation. :D:P

It'll be OK to say what they like within the privacy of the Mosque, just so long as they don't get foolhardy enough to publically repeat themselves.

The local Muslim community has seen that while it's OK for believers to hear 'feel good', 'go team', 'don't be discouraged', 'besides we can lampoon them too' positivisms - the general Australian population does have a limit when it comes to how far we appreciate people; and especially one's who are offered the opportunity to live here when their own country of birth is no longer somewhere they can call home, going beyond a good natured stir.

If I was the Australian Government, I'd be making sure that whilst the media may not hear statements from the gagged clerics, my surveillance equipment is... :blink:

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And it's not a gag on preaching... it's a gag on talking to the media.

Not so sure that that's my idea of totally calming the situation. :D:P

It'll be OK to say what they like within the privacy of the Mosque, just so long as they don't get foolhardy enough to publically repeat themselves.

The local Muslim community has seen that while it's OK for believers to hear 'feel good', 'go team', 'don't be discouraged', 'besides we can lampoon them too' positivisms - the general Australian population does have a limit when it comes to how far we appreciate people; and especially one's who are offered the opportunity to live here when their own country of birth is no longer somewhere they can call home, going beyond a good natured stir.

If I was the Australian Government, I'd be making sure that whilst the media may not hear statements from the gagged clerics, my surveillance equipment is... :blink:

Agreed - I wasn't talking about preaching and neither were the peak body who I am commending.

There is no reason to believe that the general population of muslims are "unaustralian" or anti australian.

If they feel embarrassed about inappropriate messages - well they would be better judges of that than me and you.

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If they feel embarrassed about inappropriate messages - well they would be better judges of that than me and you.


I feel embarassed when any supposed Australian makes remarks that would have been better served up to a boot tipped gag.

Why should a level of embarrassment as an Australian be defined by membership of a particular race or creed?

I thought the point was breaking down the barriers, rather than putting even more up... :blink::D

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Id like to see the article before I comment...if I comment.

Steve you sure hes got it all wrong again?

Aloy are you trying to mislead us again with speculation. :D

Do we know the real reason?..... if it is a media gag?

Is it possibly the media themselves could be the reason.....always looking for headlines?

I have no further comment until I have ALL the facts

<trumpets> <drums>

<------- exit stage Left


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Id like to see the article before I comment...if I comment.

Steve you sure hes got it all wrong again?

Aloy are you trying to mislead us again with speculation. :D

Do we know the real reason?..... if it is a media gag?

Is it possibly the media themselves could be the reason.....always looking for headlines?

I have no further comment until I have ALL the facts

<trumpets> <drums>

<------- exit stage Left


It was reported on the ABC news website - they are the only "facts" I can refer to.

This is the best I can find:



Do you think I'm trying to mislead you?

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With the often negative press that the Fundamentalist right wing born again Hillsong Intelligent Design touch your TV and be healed mob often get, it strikes me that I have not heard any negative comments about Islam from the fundo's.

You would think that controversial comments by Muslim clerics would be literally God's gift to these sects, but total silence.

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With the often negative press that the Fundamentalist right wing born again Hillsong Intelligent Design touch your TV and be healed mob often get, it strikes me that I have not heard any negative comments about Islam from the fundo's.

You would think that controversial comments by Muslim clerics would be literally God's gift to these sects, but total silence.

Mello is a Hillsongs person? Well there's a surprise :blink:

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Preaching not to pay tax ?

HARDLINE Muslim clerics are encouraging their followers to cheat the tax system because they consider paying income tax contrary to Islamic law.


It's important to add that the people blowing the whistle on this are in fact Australian Muslim leaders, they are clearly not supporting these calls to cheat - if that's in fact what they are.

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It's important to add that the people blowing the whistle on this are in fact Australian Muslim leaders, they are clearly not supporting these calls to cheat - if that's in fact what they are.

Not sure what else you'd call statements from anyone, that promote avoidance of the laws of the land? :blink:

The thing that's more at issue is; whether Australian's are conned into assosciating such calls to avoidance as being specifically Islamic.

The number of ordinary Aussie business people I know who are constantly trying to devise schemes that will minimise their tax burden, indicates just how much we all love paying taxes. :D:P

They love to point out how patriotic they all are, before they set about whining like stuck pigs about how much they lose in tax if they work longer hours, or overtime, or how the GST cuts into profits, or how they should be recompensed for collecting the tax revenues for the Government.

All of us dream of tax free society... the Utopia of our minds; but reality usually prevents us from acting upon our desire to 'cast off the shackles of our mortal existences'. :P

Even Kerry Packer couldn't avoid reality, yet religions - of all flavours, delude the gullible into believing the dream, even at the cost of their mortal existences. Some even turn the loss of mortal existence into a gain! Oh yeah; I can see how I'd profit from that all right! :P

If Aussies shun individuals simply because they are gullible twerps who've been suckered by the lunatic fringe, we'll end up making our own demise more inevitable.

We'd be showing the sort of revulsion that power hungry religious leaders or any loony with an axe to grind can turn into hatred...

Better to let those who might be tempted by the lunatic fringe, see from inside the Aussie fold just how dumb assed they'd look if they fell for such inane tripe; rather than having to try and convince them of how good we are after they've been seduced. :P

We do reap what we sow however... :P

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And then what happens? Another nutter cleric comes out and blames the drought and climate change on our godlessness.

Now, if you were a god, would you think like this? "Hmmm, those godless Australians, there's not enough believing going on down there... I know what I'll do, I'll kill their sheep!"

Maybe that's why the entire middle-east is a desert :blink:

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