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  1. http://www.stereo.net.au/forums/index.php?/topic/53767-vaf-insiders-meetup-friday-7th/
  2. Be the first to see and experience the Devialet amplifier teamed with VAF's Flagship speakers. Only at VAF. Find out why John Atkinson of Stereophile said: "Devialet's D-Premier amplifier is the most extraordinary product I have reviewed for Stereophile. Superb sound quality, future-proof design, everything you need in one box—it is the epitome of what a high-end audio product should be. Wow!" You WILL be impressed by this VAF/Devialet combination. Event details here: http://www.stereo.net.au/forums/index.php?/topic/54237-vaf-insiders-meeting-this-friday-26-june/ As usual, beer, wine and nibbles are on VAF. This will be a great Friday after-work unwind!
  3. Hi All, Thanks Insiders for all the RSVP's after the Insiders Email. Looks like a bigger crowd is coming this time! The main event will be the first ever SA demonstration of the Devialet D-Premier amplifier with VAF's flagship Signature i93. Find out why John Atkinson of Stereophile said: "Devialet's D-Premier amplifier is the most extraordinary product I have reviewed for Stereophile. Superb sound quality, future-proof design, everything you need in one box—it is the epitome of what a high-end audio product should be. Wow!" You WILL be impressed by this VAF/Devialet combination. Insiders gatherings are a low key after-work 'unwind' events. Drinks (beer & wine) as well as light food on VAF. Feel free to bring your own CD's and vinyl. Other than the amazing VAF/Devialet combination, we'll be showing: New VAF models, some other interesting new gear, and some seriously amazing one-night-only offers to VAF Insiders members. So join us and blow off some steam after work on Friday. Explore new audio equipment, listen to good music, meet and speak with other VAF insiders. SNA members in SA are also welcome to attend. If you can, please RSVP here which will help us plan drinks & food. We know however that it's Friday after work and you may not know until the last minute if you can make it. If you can't RSVP that's ok, it's still ok to just drop in on Friday. This Friday, June 28th, From 5:30pm to around 8:30pm At VAF, 52 North Terrace Kent Town SA
  4. Hi guys and girls, my new room is almost finished and should me much closer to almost finished by September the 7th which is when I'm holding a "Listening Room Warming". Check out the last few posts on the thread below for pics and progress. http://www.stereo.net.au/forums/index.php?/topic/46732-my-room-of-audio/ I live in the town of Bowen which is close to not much except islands and fish (and the occasional fruit which masquerades as a vegetable) so it will be a bit of a trek to get here. For those who do make it I will provide a light lunch and a few drinks (heavy drinkers please BYO) and as much music as we can squeeze into a single day. Ellrotts plans to bring along his new DAC so we can run a comparo between it and the Burson. I'll have the choice of Osborn Eos or Lenehan S2Rs to listen to and more amps than you can poke a stick at (though the Burson Timekeepers will probably be hooked up initially). The source will be a venerable old Consonance cd120 and cables by Lenehan or Osborn, or Aurealis, or LBP, or a few others I can't recall right now. Kick off at 10am. I'm on the north bank of the Don river which is just north of Bowen itself. If you can find the BP servo/truck stop which is just a few hundred meters north of the Don bridge then I am about 3 kays away from it. Please PM for more detailed directions. To summarize: Saturday September the 7th 8th. Bowen 10am to 4pm (or later) I hope to see you there! Unfinished, but getting there!
  5. Not as ominous as it sounds, there's no terminal illness or anything! We move house in a few weeks and the stereo system and music will leave Melbourne for north east Victoria. I thought that I'd impulsively organise a final house cooling GTG Sunday 18th May. Music and food provided, Mme T is away so it may get loud . Max of 6 I think because of limited seating/room size 2pm - 5:30pm
  6. Anything happening on the GTG front guys? I would but having just moved house I am not in a position to just yet. It would seem we have recently acquired a few new SA members and it would be good to fit a face to a name.
  7. I was going to throw this in with the DAC GTG thread but then I realized I had a slightly longer story to tell so, what the hey, here it is in it's own thread. Back at the GTG at the Vikings Leagues Club on the Gold Coast, that Damo, Adamg and myself threw together in late 2012 with more enthusiasm than anything else, I handed out caps to the 6 of us (I think it was 6) that assisted in the organizing. I had them printed because, like I just said, I had more enthusiasm than anything else and it seemed like a cool idea to have a little keepsake of an event that worked out because everyone was just so stoked to be a part of it. Cap number one. For the amp GTG at Mikes the following February (when I picked up my S2Rs ) I went a bit overboard and had a few caps, coffee mugs and T-Shirts printed (I think it was 6 caps and 3 each of mugs and shirts). Again enthusiasm reigned supreme and it was only afterwards that I realized that some people might not see it in the same light as I did. Fortuneately, everyone present, Mike included, thought they were a good laugh. I really wanted to get a pic of Bill wearing the T-shirt and cap with the mug in hand, just so I could pin it up on SNA, but it didn't happen (I'll just have to try harder next time I guess). I saw the mug, still present in the kitchen at Mikes factory, about 10 months later, I think that confirms that it is a decent quality product. I also sent a left over T-shirt and cap to AJ, as a thank you for lending me his Hypex Ncore amps for a couple of months longer than he or I initially intended. The Cap. The Mug. The Shirt (in its natural, unironed, state). I didn't have anything printed for the late 2013 amp GTG, finances were tight after all and it just sort of slipped my mind, a bit of a shame that, it broke continuity, but these things happen. However, back on track, the DAC GTG is coming up and I wanted to get a cap printed that could be awarded (with appropriate fanfare, naturally) to the winner of a blind test. So how fancy could I get? If anyone actually succeeds in a blind test then they should get something appropriate, something that tells everyone who sees them wearing it that that perosn has superior hearing power to all around. So I was looking for a cap (or hat) which accentuated the wearers ears (it seemed reasonable at the time!). After a quick ebay search I then did a slower ebay search and narrowed down the 30,000 odd choices to 8 that I felt were more inspiring than average. Teddy bears, universally adored. Mans best friend, everyone loves dogs. Dragons, very popular in film at the moment. Elephants are cool, less so than dragons but still worth a vote. Modern day Danielle Boon. A little risque perhaps, but on topic. Wow! Identical twin leapards, now that is inspirational! And last but not least, everyone loves Pandas. So, with so much inspirational material on hand, I went to work. And I'll continue to, I think, print out a cap or two for each GTG (hopefully I'll be able to attend most of them) just for the hell of it. This is why I was urging Marc to get a SNA cap design sorted out, can you imagine the sight of 30 or 40 of us wearing SNA caps wondering about the next Melbourne Audio Show? Even just supplying an SNA stencil for the front of the cap, then you could put your SNA user name and avatar on the back, so many posibilities. Caps are the way of the future guys, they may even set us free! (from cancer of the forehead at any rate) What's that? You want to see the DAC Champion cap? Sorry, that information is restricted to creators, vendor owners and competition administrators only. You'll just have to go to the GTG and try to catch a glimpse of it with everyone else. Cheers Guys! Cafad.
  8. Mike has been talking about a Get Together for a while now and has settled on Saturday February the 16th, 11am at the factory. I haven't been to one of Mikes GTGs before so I'm not sure what the go is usually with food and drink but I'm sure we'll be able to work something out with respect to lunch, softdrinks and maybe a few coldies for later on. Can't go leaving the venue for a food or drink run when there's serious audio business to be sorted! Weather permitting I plan to bring down my Halcro amp and pre a few days prior to the GTG so they should be available for anyone who is interested in having a listen, with Bills approval I'd like to run them through his ML2LEs for a while, just because I am dying to know how they will sound. Mike has asked me to put up the announcement and to get an idea of numbers so if you are interested in coming please let me know via PM or reply to this thread. Hope to see you there!
  9. The themed music GTGs which JohnA & Sligo are currently running is a brilliant idea because you're guaranteed to hear something interesting. And that's what all this about — hearing great new music. So, following their example I'd like to do something similar at my place themed around 'continents'. Lets keep the definitions loose and not worry too much about actual geography. I hate the term world music — everything is ***** world music — but lets say music from, music about or music inspired by a particular region, and especially cross-cultural, cross-genre collaborations. A few suggestions: Africa Indian subcontinent/Iran/central asia Arabian I have a turntable and cdp but the GTGs will be about the music not the gear (unfortunately my system is unlikely to make anyone on SNA salivate). I'm in Richmond and would like to hold the first one sometime in March—maybe 5 or 6 people. Anyone interested?
  10. Hi all In Canberra on the weekend of 26-27 January 2013 I plan to hold a vintage and modern speaker GTG. The aim of this GTG is to give people the opportunity to hear how well setup vintage speakers sound in comparison to some modern counterparts. The idea for this GTG came from conversations with a number of people who had never heard what vintage speakers sound like and also the recognition that some people's memories of vintage speakers may not reflect their true performance. The sound that some people remember about vintage speakers may be influenced by the turntables and electronics they were fed by. The event provides an opportunity for people to get together and hear some vintage speakers that they may not normally have the opportunity to hear. The event will allow back to back comparison against modern counterparts to identify what sort of differences there are between them, and what are the relative strengths and weaknesses of both. It might also help explain why some people persist in using vintage speakers. The focus will be on having fun and enjoying good music rather making the GTG an overly analytical exercise. The GTG should be both fun and informative. Some of the speakers initially identified to be included in the shootout are the Goodman's triaxioms, rare three way compression horn based Goodman's system, as well as Goodmans two ways and the possibility of some Altecs thrown in.. There will be a number of amps from Shindo, VAC, vintage Japanese 300B, miniwatt, etc that will be available for use, and should have a killerdac as well. LP playback and R2R might also be possible. The GTG will be held at my place which has a dedicated listening room (see thread http://killerdac.com/forum/index.php?topic=804.0). I may also set up a second system at the other end of the house. There will be social activities organised over the weekend including a barbeque or two and dinner. If you are interested in attending drop me a PM, if you have a speaker or amplifier that you would like to include in the shootout please provide me with the details. There will be limited space to doff on my floor. Cheers, Andy
  11. The January 2015 meeting of the Sydney Audio Club sees us once again at Dence Park for an afternoon of fine music, great sound and amicable company. Each month, the Sydney Audio Club presents the finest in high end audio systems for our members and guests. It's a bit like a private audio show once a month where you can hear and discuss equipment that you might not otherwise have the chance to audition. And you can bring along your own music to test the capabilities of the system or to just share with like-minded music lovers in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. As is usual for our January meeting, we will have a system comprised of club member components. Revox A77 Mark IV reel-to-reel (with Dolby . We will also have several reels of music (primarily Classical), presented by club member John Way. Refer to http://www.reeltoreel.de/worldwide/A77DolbyE1.htm and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revox. Oppo BDP-95 – we will use the Oppo primarily as a transport in our BYO session. Connected to the preamp via Analysis Plus digital coax. We will also have a pair of Nordost Frey XLRs connected to the preamp in case someone wishes to hear the SACD layer, or wishes to compare the SACD layer to the CD layer. We will also be able to play flash drives via the Oppo. Classe CP800 pre – connected to the power amp via Vertere XLR. Refer to http://www.classeaudio.com/products/cp-800.php and http://www.stereophile.com/content/class233-cp-800-da-preamplifier. Plinius SA250 Mk4 amp – connected to speakers with Nordost Frey. Refer to http://www.pliniusaudio.com/Plinius_Range/Power_Amplifiers/SA_Reference.html and http://www.stereophile.com/solidpoweramps/506plinius/index.html. B&W 801 S2 speakers – refer to http://www.stereophile.com/floorloudspeakers/506/index.html. The second half of the music sessions will be our popular BYO. Members and guests are welcome to offer music to share with us all. So bring along your favourite music on CD/SACD or flash drives. Sorry, no provision for vinyl this month. All we ask is that the music and recordings be interesting. We'll ask you to tell us a little about the artist/recording before it is played. Tracks over 6 minutes will be faded out, to give everyone a fair go. Whether you are a novice or a seasoned veteran, you will have the opportunity to listen, learn and share your experiences with others of a similar mind. Guests are always welcome – we are a very friendly club so you don't need to know anyone to join us for an afternoon of fine music and sound. We will welcome you at the door. Venue: Epping Creative Centre Address: 26 Stanley St, Epping When: Sunday 11th January 2015 Doors open 1pm Meeting starts at 2pm Best regards, Tom Waters President Sydney Audio Club www.sydneyaudioclub.org.au tomwaters@sydneyaudioclub.org.au I'm not Tom
  12. Hello everybody! You've seen the system showcased, now it is time to hear it. (Refer Showcase your System MG20.7). This GTG will be held on Sunday 10 April starting at 2.00PM. The most convenient way to get here would be by train to Richmond Station. If you drive, there is a pay carpark at the head of the street, which should have spots available as there is no footy at the MCG on that day. If you are into planar speakers, this is one of the best. They will be expertly set up with DWM woofers by Bill McLean, who will come down all the way from Sydney to do the demo. Tea & coffee and basic nibblies will be provided. You will need to BYO drink if you want anything more exotic. Attendees will be limited to 15. Attendees to this stage are: @@Eggmeister @@Point source @@djb @@Martykt @@andyr @@joz @@blybo @@Max054 @@buddyev @@jamesg11 @@Sir Sanders Zingmore @@daviddsailor @@Black Orange @@Sirmorebeer @@Ian McP House Full Please let me know if you are not able to make it on the day. We have reserves for the event who can fill your spot.
  13. We are excited to soon be releasing our Nullaki Opus. This loudspeaker replaces our previous flagship, Nullaki, and features considerable changes to the bass configuration and crossovers. We are proud to say that it is a truly special loudspeaker, and quite an experience. We will be hosting an evening in Perth to present this model for the first time and are pleased to extend an invitation to all StereoNET members, as well as our Facebook fans. This will be held early January, and we are currently awaiting venue confirmation. The listening will be complemented by some very nice Western Australian wines. If you would like to attend then please register your interest via reply to this thread or PM.
  14. Having a GTG at my place in City Beach (Perth) on Saturday May 16th, starting at 1pm. My last GTG was about music servers http://www.stereo.net.au/forums/index.php?/topic/78041-music-servers-streamers-sq-comparisons/ but this one is about DACs; and evolved from the interest shown in this thread http://www.stereo.net.au/forums/index.php?/topic/80381-perth-meet-up-interest-check/?hl=%20dac%20%20shoot%20%20out ~7 people have already put their hands up and various DACs will be available for comparison (will list later). Anyone else interested? Cheers, JD
  15. Jonesy had a GTG at his new home yesterday. As it turned out , his gear loves the new place too because the sound was incredible. His system consists of Dynaudio Evidence Masters loudspeakers, Gryphon Colosseum Mono-block Power amps, Soulution 710 Preamp and EMM labs 2 box SACD player. This system is truly something to behold and it played every type of music superbly. Full scale orchestral sound was presented on a massive scale while the fans of Pink Floyd were similarly impressed with "The Wall" The system is the best I have ever heard at someone's place and I suspect it will remain so for some time to come. Heavy concentration - or are they sleeping? Rear view of the mighty Evidence Masters. Despite appearances, these speakers cannot be bi-wired. The centre sealed unit houses the crossover The Gryphon up close We also tried Tuyen's Coincident statement Linestage This time around the $5k Coincident Vs the $40K Soulution results differed from the last GTG. The whole system synergy has improved incredibly in the new environment since the last encounter. Inserting the Coincident preamp did make some changes however . Most notably the sound stage opened up more and seemed more spacious while the tonal balance became a more organic and a touch warmer. However, the Soulution had a perfectly acceptable tonal balance and was resolving more detail and was even faster than the Coincident. I expressed it like that because amongst a number of preamps I am familiar with ( in a similar price range to the CSLS) , the Coincident was ahead on speed and dynamics so the Soulution's performance was outstanding. So a big thank you to our gracious host Jonesy, who opened his new home to us yesterday. A sensational time was had by all.
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