Mike has been talking about a Get Together for a while now and has settled on Saturday February the 16th, 11am at the factory.
I haven't been to one of Mikes GTGs before so I'm not sure what the go is usually with food and drink but I'm sure we'll be able to work something out with respect to lunch, softdrinks and maybe a few coldies for later on. Can't go leaving the venue for a food or drink run when there's serious audio business to be sorted!
Weather permitting I plan to bring down my Halcro amp and pre a few days prior to the GTG so they should be available for anyone who is interested in having a listen, with Bills approval I'd like to run them through his ML2LEs for a while, just because I am dying to know how they will sound.
Mike has asked me to put up the announcement and to get an idea of numbers so if you are interested in coming please let me know via PM or reply to this thread.
Hope to see you there!