Hi All,
I have been reading about Belden's new cables for several months in the PS Audio forums (USA). Several pre-production sets were being evaluated and much of the feedback was very, very positive however there wasn't;
A) little information from Belden themselves regarding the cable design, measurements, background and,
B) you couldn't purchase them.
The above has been solved so I thought I'd pass on the information for inquisitive minds here. I'm not involved in any way with Belden or HansonAV in the USA who are selling the product. I merely post for your information.
I cannot personally comment on the performance as I haven't purchased any either! If they are as good as ppl say perhaps they are worth considering. At least the company has published performance figures, design and the whys of what they consider important.
Enjoy the read.
USA distributor / www.hansonav.com