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For Sale Gustard R26 Digital Analog Converter (DAC) + Streaming

AUD $1,550
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Ad Details


AUD $1,550



Model Number



As New / Mint

Payment Method

Cash on pick up / bank transfer


(WA) Western Australia/Australia

Suburb or Town


Original Receipt Available


Shipping & Pickup Options

Shipping:  Available
Pickup: Available



Reason for Selling

Purchased stand alone streamer

Further Information

Been using this as my main streaming device and it has worked flawlessly streaming Tidal via Bluetooth option and also using the inbuilt DAC for my CDT from time to time. It's clearly capable of much more.

After getting out of vinyl I have upgraded to a dedicated Streamer (no DAC) and am using my existing tube DAC.

If I had not upgraded to the new Streamer I would have been very happy with this great Streamer DAC.

There is something very special about the inbuilt R2R DAC's as many online reviews and U Tube videos will show you.

I do not have the original shipping box but do have the one it was shipped to me in, and can pack safely if required but would prefer and preference will be given to a local sale.

It is still set up and I can demo for any Perth peeps after this Saturday when I get back into Perth.

Some details- https://www.gustard.com/?post_type=products&page_id=14991



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