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EXPIRED   For Sale Bassocontinuo Level 4 Isolation Footers

AUD $449
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Ad Details


AUD $449


AUD $570

Product Type

Isolation Footers

Model Number

Level 4


Brand New

Payment Method

EFT, Direct Deposit, Cash


(WA) Western Australia/Australia

Suburb or Town

Osborne Park

Original Receipt Available


Shipping & Pickup Options

Shipping:  Available
Pickup: Available



Reason for Selling

Surplus / Change of distributor

Further Information

Brand new set of 4 Bassocontinuo LEVEL 4 Isolation Feet. These have a weight range of 5.1-10kg per foot.


Enhanced isolation system
Ultra Feet drastically reduces the possibility of negative vibrations reaching your components, dispersing energy in the form of heat. Focus on the stage, greater detail and increased dynamics are just some of the parameters that benefit from it.

Ultra Feet was born to optimize visco-elastic materials depending on load charge, making a specific product with a limited useful range to precise parameters: we are in fact completely against full range products which cannot have the same effectiveness.

Seven models designed to optimize the effectiveness of your electronics
Each one is calibrated on a specific load charge range, with two or three different damping materials (depends on the level): all of them are fully tested by Vicoter.

These are adjustable in height: this guarantees a fine tuning of your set up.

Superior levels are decoupled by Technogel®: up to now the best fluid-solid material on the market. Technogel® combines 3D fluid deformation, therefore the upmost damping rate, with memory form of solid which guarantee constant performance during its life.

Each foot is decoupled on both sides (shelf and electronic), makes it a full-fledged independent system. The electronic is floating on it, avoiding any kind of mechanical coupling. 

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